Sunday, February 18, 2007

Coping with Grief and loss

Grief and loss I have a dear friend that has suffered more grief and loss then should be allowed by the laws of nature. He's lost three people dear to him back to back to back and hasn't had the chance to grieve the first loss properly. He's not been able to experience the five stages of grief in order to move on with his life. The five stages are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance but there should be a sixth stage isolation, because the person grieving such a loss tends to isolate themselves. People tend to grieve in there own ways and as loved ones all we can do is be there to support and pick up any pieces. I find that the best way to grieve is to celebrate that persons life once I've made it through the five stages and remember them for the person that they were in life not in death. This takes a while to achieve if ever. My friend is a remarkable man he's always the person that people come running to with their problems. William has always been a pillar of strength, a confidant, brilliant father to his children and wonderful husband to his wife. Will is the kind of person you'd be honored to have as a friend and I am. I'm also wondering how someone so special to this world could be allowed to suffer so much loss. It doesn't seem right when you live you're life doing right by others even at the expense of your own needs;hopefully things for Will will change for the better very soon and he'll be back to his once happy self. I love you William!

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