Monday, February 5, 2007

When life knocks you on your ass get up and knock back!

There are days when you know before setting one foot out of bed the day would be better spent in bed. God knows I've had plenty of those lately but you cannot lie curled up on the floor in the fetal position in a pile of your own filth. Look how well that worked for Howard Hughes...anyhoo, I's hard and its full of blind-siding knocks all we can do is learn from them and move on. That sounds simple especially when lifes so much more complicated, let me know how you deal with the hard knocks of life...Andie


Anonymous said...

ello aunty! reali lovin the site hun keep up the good work and expect to c alot more of me and my comments here lol!! love u xxxxx

Anonymous said...

So, here's my question:

How do you make friends with someone who says keep in touch let me know when you're around, and then doesn't know how to communicate?

Andie's Blog said...

First you have to ask yourself is this person worth the effort? I say this because in this ipod,internet,fast food world that we live in everything moves fast and you want someone whose actually going to be a friend to give you some stability in an unstable world. Most people don't consider this but human beings are pack animals. We need contact with others it's what keeps us human but I digress.

If this isn't the case and this person is just a passing car on the road of life then keep it casual and contact this person when you feel like it but don't count on them for anything...not even something as simple as keeping a coffee date, life's too short to waste even a nanosecond on someone whose not willing to meet you half way.

Anonymous said...

I have a question at some may bawk at but here goes. I am currently involved with two men and one knows about the other but the other one lets call him kevin doesnt know about dylan. I love them both they each bring something to the table and I don't want to hurt anyone but I know this cannot go one forever what should I do?

Anonymous said...

Life is knocking the shit out of me at the moment Andie. I'm 28 single and in love with a woman who lives in another country and happpens to be married to a violent man that she's in the process of getting away from with her two children. I feel helpless to do anything to help her in her current situation and wonder if walking away until she's been able to straighten out her life is the best thing to do but I worry about her thinking that I'm cutting and running and thats the last thing I would be doing. I don't know what to do and I'm losing sleep over it, please help me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Andie my boyfriend Sam and I both decided to write to you to help us settle our arguement. I just found out that I'm pregnant and I'm not ready to be a mother I'm only 17 and have a scholarship waiting for me when I finish high school. I love Sam but I feel it in my bones that keeping it would be the wrong thing to do. What do you think? Hi Andie this is Sam and Becky has a lot of valid points but at the end of the day its our child growing inside her how do we have the right to snuff it out like that? I come from a big family and my parents got married and had my brother when they were the age me and Beck are now. It wasn't easy for them but they made it work and my families willing to do whatever needs to be done to help us out make her see reason will you?

Andie's Blog said...

Some people may say that you're having your cake and eating it as well Pauline but I wouldn't be one of them. It's hard enough dealing with one man let alone two most of them are completely lost when it comes to women and the same could be said about us. Sooner or later you're going to have to decide which of these men you love the most,which of them do you feel safest with and which one can you rely on the most? Those are just a few questions to ask yourself. As you as yourself this cannot go on forever. Do the right thing and give your situation some serious thought good luck.

Andie's Blog said...

Jackson my heart goes out to you. Long distant relationships are difficult at best throw in a marriage and children and it adds to the strain but nothing in life is easy and if you truly love this woman then do your best to be her friend for now. Once her life is sorted and she's out of her violent marriage the two of you can be a couple but for now be there for her, be her friend. I wish the both of you the best of luck its a tough situation.

Andie's Blog said...

Sam and Becky, you're in a tight about stating the obvious I know but this is a votitile subject at best. The main thing that you two have to consider are all options and what you can and cannot cope with. You both are very young and having a child is difficult for people much older then you believe me I'm speaking from experience. The bottom line is it's her body and her decision as to what she decides whether to terminate or carry to term. Either way she's going to need your support more then ever and if you truly love her you'll stand by her no matter what decision she makes. Therefore Becky wins the arguement Sam, so buy her something nice.I wish you both the best no matter what you decide.